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Store safety: Falling objects and premises liability

You were walking through a store, minding your own business, when a box suddenly tumbled down from above. It might have been unsteady because of customers trying to reach it, or maybe workers hadn't put the stock away correctly. Either way, you now have a nasty injury to your head and need medical attention. Who should be held responsible for this accident?

Stores can be held accountable for injuries that take place on their premises as a result of negligence or neglect. In fact, they can be sued under premises liability claims, for negligent training or supervision or for vicarious liability. Your personal injury attorney can help you decide what kind of case is right for you.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be able to receive coverage for your medical bills as well as reparations for lost wages or other financial losses. If you require long-term medical care, then the company may have to cover the cost of it for you.

At the scene, it's a good idea to request medical care. Tell the person assisting you what happened clearly. If the police arrive to take a report about the incident, discuss what happened and potentially remind them that there should be video of the event, especially in big box retail outlets. When you go to the hospital, keep all your medical bills and paperwork; this will be necessary when you file a claim.

Finally, don't accept any kind of compensation without discussing your case with a legal representative; if you take compensation, it may make it impossible for you to seek further compensation later.

Source: FindLaw, "Can You Sue If a Box Falls on You at a Store?," Brett Snider, accessed Dec. 08, 2016

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