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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Know your rights when you are bitten by a dog

In a previous blog post, we discussed some interesting points regarding how to tell when a dog is likely to bite. This is one of the things that everyone should know because it might be possible to take evasive action that lets you avoid the dog bite. Unfortunately, some dogs bite without warning and you might not have time to get away. When this occurs, you can seek compensation from the dog's owner.

Seeking compensation for a dog bite is based on California Civil Code section 3342. Dog owners have a duty to ensure that their dogs don't bite anyone who is on the premises legally. This applies to dogs who haven't ever shown any signs of aggression as well as those that are known to be vicious.

We know that you might not be sure where to go or what to do after you are bitten. We can help you to learn about the options that you have. We can work with you to get your case together so that you can get it filed with the court.

Of course, your primary focus has to be getting the medical care you need before you worry about anything else. You should also find out if the dog is up-to-date on its shots, specifically the rabies shot. If you can't find this out, you will need to work with your medical team to determine what treatments you might need because of the lack of vaccinations of the dog.

Overall, your claim for compensation can help you to get funds for medical bills and other expenses related to the dog bite.

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