Asatryan Law
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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Pedestrians who are struck by a car can take action

Walking around town shouldn't ever cost a person his or her life. Pedestrians do face specific risks when they walk around. One of the most serious risks they face is inattentive drivers. Any driver who isn't driving safely or who isn't giving their full attention to driving puts the life of every pedestrian around them at risk.

Not all pedestrian accidents are fatal. Some of these accidents cause serious injuries. When a person who is walking along minding his or her own business is struck by a car, he or she might have to deal with the effects of the accident for the rest of his or her life.

We know that having to live with a catastrophic injury is difficult. When you know that the injury could have been prevented if the driver had driven safely, you might get angry. We can help you put your infuriation to good use. We can help you to file a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim could help you to hold the driver accountable for causing the crash and the effects of the crash. We will need to look into the cause of the crash. This can include checking into what the driver was doing when he or she slammed into you.

We also need to determine what types and amounts of damages are part of your case. This can include everything from the medical bills you have now and the lost wages due to the accident to the medical bills you will have for the rest of your life. Determining these factors isn't an easy feat, but we will help you to get it done when we work with you on your case.

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