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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Do these 4 things after a car crash to strengthen your case

If you are the victim of a motor vehicle accident and suffer injuries, you will want to seek insurance company compensation. Steps you can take after the crash can help your attorney develop a strong case on your behalf.

A car accident can leave you feeling shaky, but it is important to gather information both immediately after the crash and as you pursue medical help. Here are four items for your to-do list:

Get immediate medical help

Even if you only suffered scratches and feel perfectly fine, see a doctor immediately. For one thing, you may have sustained an injury that was not apparent to you. Furthermore, if you wait days or weeks to seek medical attention, it will be more difficult to prove the accident caused your injury.

Take notes and photographs

You might not have a camera with you, but you likely have a cell phone. Take photos of the damage to your vehicle from different angles. Take additional pictures of the crash site, showing street signs, traffic lights or other site locators. Pair your photos with notes describing the location of the accident, your thoughts about how it happened, what the weather was like, whether there was any property damage and anything else you feel is pertinent to the incident.

Record contact information

You will likely exchange insurance information with the other driver. In addition to that person’s contact information, take down similar information for any witnesses. When a police officer arrives on the scene, ask for a copy of the police report and write down the name and badge number of the officer.

Keep a medical journal

Keep a diary about your injuries, your recovery and the medical care you receive. Save all medical bills and receipts as well as any emails or letters from healthcare professionals.

Beginning with the accident itself and continuing on to the accompanying medical history, the notes and photos you provide will be useful when investigating accident details. Your legal team will use this information in pursuing the maximum compensation you deserve from those responsible for causing your injuries.



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