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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Obese patients deserve proper health care

Obesity is a health concern in America. Still, some doctors' offices aren't properly prepared to deal with obese patients. One important factor in helping the obese population to overcome health obstacles is to encourage them to lose weight. How can they monitor their weight loss if their doctor doesn't have a scale that can handle weights above 300 pounds?

One in three people in the United States suffer from obesity. This issue isn't going to go away anytime soon. So, what do these obese patients need to do to get adequate health care? The answer isn't all that simple. Obese patients are at risk of some very serious issues.

Some medications require the doctor to determine the dosage based on a patient's weight. How can this happen if the doctor can't get an accurate weight on a patient because they don't have a scale that can accommodate obese patients? The answer to this is that they sometimes send the person to a junkyard or industrial facility to get a weight. This can be emotionally damaging to the patient.

We understand that you just want to get medical care that addresses your issues. When you aren't able to do this because of your weight, you and your doctor will have to figure out how to get the health care you need to survive.

When this doesn't happen or when your doctor attributes your symptoms to weight instead of finding out what issues are actually present, you might be able to seek compensation via a medial malpractice lawsuit based on negligence. We can help you explore your options to do this.

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