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Reading a text while driving fast led teenager to kill a man

Distracted drivers kill. There isn't any nice way to say that. It might not happen to all drivers who are distracted, but the chance is always there. One particular issue that is coming up more and more is drivers who are too addicted to their phones to put them away while they drive.

The recent story of a 19-year-old woman who caused a fatal head-on crash should come as a wake-up call to drivers who think this will never happen to them. This young woman was driving when she received a text from her cousin. She was late for work at the time and driving at around 70 mph.

When she took her attention off the road because of the text message, she drifted into oncoming traffic. Her decision to read a text while going that fast ended up killing a 30-year-old man.

The victim suffered. He was pinned in his truck with major injuries. He was airlifted from the scene and later died. The texting driver suffered only minor injuries.

The distracted driver is now facing a criminal charge for this fatal accident. She was booked into jail on one charge of gross vehicular manslaughter.

When you lose a loved one in a crash that was caused by a driver who couldn't be bothered with focusing on driving, you might be ready to make that driver pay. Whether the driver faces criminal charges or not, you can choose to seek compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. This can help to cover the expenses you have because of the death, as well as other allowable damages.

Source: The Fresno Bee, "Distracted driver causes head-on fatal crash on Shaw Avenue near Biola," Marc Benjamin, June 23, 2017

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