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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Unsecured loads can cause serious problems

In our previous blog post, we discussed how semi-truck tires aren't meant for driving at high speeds for long distances. These tires can blow out and cause very serious damage to other vehicles, which can lead to injuries of those occupants. This isn't the only problem that semi-trucks might have when they are on the road.

Another very serious problem that semi-trucks can experience occurs when the semi-truck's load isn't properly secured. In these cases, the load can shift. This might lead to the load coming off of the trailer. It can also lead to the truck becoming unstable. Both of these issues can lead to serious accidents.

We know that you fully expect that you will be able to run your errands and drive around without having to worry with what semi-trucks are doing. When you are involved in an accident that was the fault of the semi-truck driver, you might find that your life is suddenly thrown into a horrible downward spiral.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, there is a chance that you will have to miss work because you need to heal. This is an important thing to do for your health, but it isn't so friendly to your bank account. If you opt to pursue compensation for the effects of the accident, you can include the money you missed in your claim.

We understand that you might need to think about what you are going to do. While this is understandable, make sure that you consider the time limits that apply to your case. You must file for compensation before the time limit expires or you face the reality of not being able to take action.

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