Asatryan Law
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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

California personal injury lawsuits must be filed within 2 years

No matter how conscientious you are about driving safely, no matter how safely you drive, it is still possible that someone else will cause an accident through negligence or recklessness. When you are involved in a car crash, you might decide that you are going to take legal action against the person who caused the accident.

As difficult as it might be to think about filing a lawsuit while you are trying to heal from your injuries and help the other occupants of the vehicle heal, your time is limited. In California, you only have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. This means that you can't wait too long after the accident.

Not only do you need to have enough time to get the lawsuit to court, but you also have to leave enough time for you and your attorney to investigate the accident and pull the case together. The last thing that you need is to have to rush to prepare your case.

We understand that there are specific questions that you might need answered before you decide what to do. We can help you get the answers that you need so that you can make an informed decision.

It is imperative that we start looking into your case as soon as possible. This will give us time to investigate the circumstances surrounding the crash. It also gives us time to try to gather evidence before it is impacted or lost with the passage of time. Collecting fresh evidence might have a positive impact on your claim for compensation.

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