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Do you know how to prevent a frightening vehicle rollover?

A rollover does not happen frequently compared to other types of vehicle accidents, but it is one of the most frightening, and one of the deadliest for occupants.

Given the right circumstances, any car can flip, but taller, narrower vehicles are most susceptible to this kind of accident. If you own a van, pickup or SUV, or are considering purchasing one of these vehicles, take heart: There are certain things you can do to avoid rolling it over.

Go for safety features

If you are mulling over what sort of vehicle you want to buy, keep in mind that the newer models are your best bet in terms of safety systems. Take a close look at the latest technology. Side-curtain air bags and electronic stability control are two of the most important safety features.

Do not overload

It is never a good idea to overload your pick up or SUV. Keep heavy loads off the roof. Put them on the floor inside the vehicle, away from the tailgate and as close to the center as possible. Look at your owner’s manual and follow the load ratings the manufacturer provides.

Check your speed

Excessive speed contributes to about 40 percent of all rollovers. Speeding requires more of your skill and attention and increases the possibility of an accident. Interestingly, nearly three-quarters of all rollovers occur either on rural roads or on roads where the speed limit is at least 55.

Wear your seat belt

It may sound scary, but if you wear a seat belt, it will keep you in place during a rollover accident. You do not want to be thrown around inside the vehicle, or worse yet, ejected. More than half of the fatalities that occur during a rollover incident involve people who are either partially ejected or completely thrown clear of the vehicle.

Seek the best outcome

Doing what you can to prevent a rollover may be your top priority; nevertheless, this kind of accident may still happen to you. Hopefully, the preventative measures you take will help you survive a rollover without serious injuries.

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