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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Post-accident information will help protect your claim

If you are in a vehicle accident, gathering information will be essential to your claim for compensation. It will also be vital if the case goes to court.

If you do not suffer severe injuries and are able to remain at the accident site, be ready to record the facts and include as many details as you can.

Contact information

Get names and contact information for the other driver, any passengers and any witnesses to the crash. When law enforcement officers arrive at the scene, get names and badge numbers.

Accident details

Jot down details, starting with the date and time of the accident. Include the address, if applicable. Note the road or highway where the accident happened, the nearest cross street or freeway exit, and the direction in which each car was traveling. Also, describe the weather and the driving conditions. Think about using your mobile phone to record this information; if you are still shaky as a result of the accident, this might be easier for you than writing the details down.


Use your mobile phone to snap pictures of the accident scene as well as the damage to your vehicle. Take pictures from various angles. Ask a friend to take pictures of any injuries you sustained, such as cuts or bruises.

A medical record

Be sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident. This is not only important for your wellbeing, but it will also strengthen your personal injury claim. A timely doctor’s report will be effective in linking any injuries you receive directly to the crash.

Things to remember

When you speak to the other driver involved in the accident or anyone else at the scene, do not take responsibility for the accident even if you feel you were at fault. Only exchange insurance information with the driver. Share the information you collect about the crash itself with your attorney. Remember that these details will affect the results of any court action that results, as well as the amount of financial compensation you hope to receive from an insurance company.



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