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Premises liability: Could you be eligible for compensation?

Many television shows portray the country's legal system as simple and quick. People in California who have been involved in court cases and lawsuits can likely attest that neither are true. Many experienced with the process would also likely agree that the right lawyer can help make the complicated process less overwhelming. One woman may be eligible for compensation once her slip-and-fall accident lawsuit proceeds through the civil justice system in her state.

Stomach pain and shortness of breath prompted the woman to seek help from a hospital. While there, she was apparently told to walk to another floor to get a chest X-ray. Unfortunately, she slipped and fell before making it to the radiology department.

Apparently, the floors were being buffed near the elevator in the pathway to the radiology department. The woman alleges that no caution or warnings of a slippery floor were present. She was taken to the emergency room for evaluation and then transported back for her original doctor's appointment in a wheelchair. As a result of her injuries, she filed a slip-and-fall lawsuit against the hospital. 

Apparently, lawyers for the hospital attempted to have the lawsuit dismissed, arguing that it was really a medical malpractice lawsuit and, as such, was missing a required expert's report. A Texas appellate court denied the rejected the argument, and the case will continue. As in this circumstance, there are often multiple hearings and legal decisions made throughout the process of a lawsuit. Anyone suffering a similar slip-and-fall accident may be eligible for compensation, depending on the underlying circumstances. The right lawyer in California can explain the legal process and help determine the way forward when a lawsuit in civil court is appropriate. 

Source:, "Houston Methodist can't pass slip & fall off as a med-mal, justices find", David Yates, Jan. 2, 2018

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