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Gerard Butler confirms how serious motorcycle crashes can be

If you are an experienced motorcycle rider who has never been in a serious accident, you may feel you are almost invincible. Novice riders, you believe, are much more prone to crashes.

However, actor Gerard Butler will tell you that accidents can happen to anyone in the blink of an eye. The injuries he suffered in a sudden crash are common among motorcyclists.

How it happened

Butler was riding his motorcycle when another motorist pulled out from a parked position and made an illegal U-turn directly in front of him. He had no choice but to hit the car, after which he went "flying through the air." He sustained cuts and bruises plus a torn meniscus, but the most serious injuries were to his foot and included five fractures.

Common motorcycle injuries

Mr. Gerard's injuries were consistent with those reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as being the most common for motorcyclists. In fact, 30 percent of all motorcycle-related injuries are those affecting the rider's feet and legs. Safety experts advise motorcyclists to wear shoes that will not slip off in an accident: boots are perfect. Long pants protect the legs against abrasions.

Other injuries

At 22 percent, neck and head injuries are the next most common issues. Head injuries are especially concerning because they could result in traumatic brain injuries, which can be devastating and capable of altering a person's life. This is why wearing a helmet is so important. Riders are encouraged to wear DOT-approved head protection.

Following up

If you suffer an injury in a motorcycle accident and burdened with medical bills, the next challenge is dealing with insurance companies that tend to downplay your injuries. However, a personal injury attorney can serve as your advocate to ensure that you receive a full and fair settlement. Following his motorcycle accident, Gerard Butler said that the accident made him "really appreciate how precious life is." As a motorcycle crash survivor, even one with injuries, you would no doubt agree with his sentiments.

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