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3 dead, 2 injured in serious accident in California

A fiery collision recently claimed the lives of three individuals in California. The serious accident also led to injuries to two others. According to authorities, the deadly accident appears to be the result of drunk driving.

The collision took place on a Saturday. The wreck claimed the life of a baby who was six months old as well as a young woman of undetermined age and a man who was in his 30s. Additionally, a woman and a boy who is 9 years old suffered critical injuries and were taken to a medical center.

The crash and resulting fiery explosion reportedly occurred after a 30-year-old man failed to stop at a red light while at an intersection. This man, who also suffered critical injuries in the crash, ended up being arrested for driving under the influence. He faces an additional charge of vehicular manslaughter in connection with the fatal wreck as well.

The surviving loved ones of the deceased accident victims may choose to file wrongful death claims against the 30-year-old driver, seeking damages. Likewise, the surviving accident victims are entitled to file personal injury claims against him. If the man is ultimately convicted on his criminal charges, proof of the conviction may be presented in a related civil court proceeding in an effort to establish liability on his part. Only then will a judge decide claims for financial damages. A claim that is successfully fought might result in a monetary damage award that may help with covering burial costs, the loss of income for surviving dependents and other losses tied to the serious accident in California.

Source:, "Car Crash Engulfed in Flames Leaves 3 Dead in California", April 29, 2018

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