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Serious accident leads to bicyclist's death

A bicyclist in California was recently killed in a tragic car accident. The serious accident was evidently the result of road rage. In situations where negligent driving causes serious accidents, those who are found to have been driving carelessly may be held financially responsible for any injuries or deaths resulting from these accidents.

The recent accident involving the bicyclist took place at about 7 p.m. on a Monday. According to authorities, two individuals, ages 32 and 28, were driving east on a boulevard. All of a sudden, they reportedly became entangled in a road rage situation.

Police said that while they were both behind the wheel, they engaged in a heated exchange that continued for over 1.5 miles. When they reached a residential area, the 32-year-old driver allegedly ended up hitting a bicyclist who was crossing the road. Meanwhile, the 28-year-old driver struck a parked motor vehicle while attempting to avoid hitting the bicyclist. The bicyclist passed away at the crash scene.

The surviving loved ones of the deceased bicyclist may choose to file a wrongful death claim in this situation, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. Competent proof of negligence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing the case in California. Only if this happens will a judge adjudicate claims for monetary damages. A successfully fought suit might lead to a monetary award that may help the deceased bicyclist's loved ones to cover funeral costs, the loss of income for surviving dependents, and other losses stemming from the serious accident.

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