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Serious accident leaves 1 dead, 1 injured

A woman sadly lost her life in a recent California car crash, and another individual suffered injuries in the collision. A third person was involved in the accident but left the crash scene and remained at large. The serious accident occurred early in the morning on a Wednesday.

According to authorities, at about 4:30 a.m., two cars collided in the Road 104 and Avenue 408 area. One of the cars apparently struck a power pole as a result of the impact. Meanwhile, the other car ended up in a field.

The car that hit the power hole was carrying a female passenger, who passed away at the crash scene. Meanwhile, the driver of that car suffered injuries and was taken to the hospital by helicopter. Police said they were searching for the driver of the second car after he or she fled the collision scene.

If authorities find the at-large individual and determine that he or she caused the serious accident due to negligent driving, this individual may be held liable for the death and injuries resulting from the collision. The surviving loved ones of the female passenger who died may opt to file a wrongful death claim against this driver, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. At the same time, the injured driver of the car in which she was riding may choose to file a personal injury claim. Competent proof of negligence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing the case in California. Once this happens, claims for damages will be determined.

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