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Premises liability suit filed against Wendy's

A man in another state recently asserted that he suffered injuries at a Wendy's fast food restaurant due to the business' negligence. He has filed a premises liability lawsuit against the business as a result. In the same manner, anyone in California who has been hurt on a business' property due to the owner's carelessness may seek to hold the business owner accountable in civil court.

The man in the out-of-state case filed his lawsuit in mid-August against the Wendy's restaurant. He claimed that he was at the restaurant back in June and stepped in a substance that had not been removed from the floor. The substance was allegedly present in the restaurant's drink area.

According to the lawsuit, the man ended up slipping and falling on said substance. He reportedly suffered severe injuries as a result of the fall. In light of his alleged injuries, he is seeking damages as part of his lawsuit, along with court costs.

Restaurants and other types of businesses in California have a duty to make sure that their properties are safe for patrons or customers to use. If they fail to do this and a customer is injured, they may be held liable for the victim's injuries. Competent proof of negligence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing a premises liability case in the Golden State. Once liability is established, claims for damages will be adjudicated. A claim that is successfully litigated may result in a monetary damage award that might help with addressing medical bills and other related losses.

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