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Serious accident claims 3 lives in California

Three people tragically lost their lives in a recent California car crash. The collision took place along Interstate 805. One of the three parties reportedly caused the serious accident and just so happened to be a prominent YouTube gaming community member.

According to authorities, the male gamer, 18, was driving in the wrong direction on the interstate. At the time, he was reportedly going 100 miles per hour. Police reported that he struck a motor vehicle that was carrying a 43-year-old woman and her daughter, 12.

As soon as the collision occurred, both cars caught fire, and the three parties ended up passing away. The collision caused multiple cars to crash and pile up on the interstate. Authorities continued to investigate the cause of the accident.  

The surviving loved ones of the mother and her daughter who died in the car accident may choose to file wrongful death claims, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. Although the driver who allegedly caused the accident passed away in the crash, his estate may still be sued. In addition, anyone else with an ownership interest in the car he was operating at the time of the collision may also be named in the lawsuit.

A preponderance of the evidence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing the case in California. Once this happens, claims for damages will be adjudicated. A successfully fought claim may lead to a monetary award that might help with addressing funeral costs and other losses tied to the serious accident.

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