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Slip-and-fall accidents may impact convenience store customers

A woman in another state recently claimed that she was injured at a Circle K store due to the store's carelessness. She has thus filed a lawsuit against the store. Likewise, business customers in California who suffer injuries in store accidents, such as slip-and-fall accidents, stemming from a business owner's negligence, have the right to take legal action.

In the recent out-of-state case, the woman claimed that she was at a Circle K in early 2017 and suddenly lost her footing on something that was on the ground there. The woman reportedly struck the ground as a result. The woman claimed that her fall caused her to suffer serious injuries, disfigurement and disability.

The woman claimed that the slip-and-fall accident caused her mental anguish and that she lost enjoyment of life as a result of it. The alleged accident also caused the woman to lose wages and to accrue medical expenses. In addition, her accident reportedly aggravated a condition she had suffered prior to the incident. The woman asserted that the convenience store was at fault in the accident because it did not address the hazardous condition of the floor in a timely manner and did not warn customers about the dangerous property condition. As part of her lawsuit, the woman is seeking more than $15,000 in damages as well as a jury trial.

Companies in California are expected to exercise due care when it comes to maintaining their premises in safe conditions. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Fortunately, customers who are hurt in slip-and-fall accidents due to business owners' negligence may seek the reimbursement of monetary damages sustained. An understanding of what facts must be proved will likely be necessary to prevail in this type of case in the Golden State.

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