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Serious accident leads to death of pregnant woman, unborn baby

A pregnant woman was killed in a recent California motor vehicle crash, leaving her surviving loved ones to grieve over her and her baby's loss. The serious accident was reportedly the result of a suspected intoxicated driver. In situations involving these types of car accidents, the person who allegedly caused the accident due to driving while impaired may be held liable for any injuries or deaths resulting from the crash.

According to police, the woman was driving at about 8:30 p.m. All of a sudden, a 28-year-old man reportedly veered his car into the woman's lane and struck her minivan. The minivan ended up catching fire. Although first responders were able to extinguish the fire, extract the woman from the wreckage and transport her by helicopter to the hospital, both the woman and her unborn baby passed away. She was eight months pregnant when she died.

Police said that the man who struck her motor vehicle was speeding when the wreck happened. The man, who happens to be a boxing champion from Cuba, is also said to have been driving under the influence. He now faces a charge of gross vehicular manslaughter stemming from intoxication.

The family members of the woman who passed away in the California crash may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the man accused of causing the serious accident. If he is convicted on his serious criminal charge, proof of this conviction may be presented in civil court with the goal of establishing liability before the court hearing the case. A successfully fought case may lead to a monetary damage award that might help with covering burial costs and other losses related to these types of car accidents.

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