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Woman sues Red Lobster after suffering injury there

A woman in another state recently asserted that a Red Lobster restaurant's carelessness in maintaining its property caused her physical harm. She has therefore decided to file a premises liability claim against the eatery. In the same manner, anyone in California who suffers an injury due to dangerous property conditions has the right to seek to hold the business establishment accountable through the civil court system.

In the recent out-of-state case, the woman claimed that she suffered injuries while she was trying to enter the restaurant one day in 2016. The multiple bodily injuries reportedly occurred when she fell due to a wet rug. As a result of the fall, the woman allegedly experienced immense pain and suffering.

The plaintiff further claimed that the accident caused her to incur medical expenses and to lose wages, in addition to suffering other damages. She asserted that she held the restaurant responsible for her injuries because it did not warn its guests about its dangerous and defective condition. As part of her lawsuit, the woman is seeking a jury trial along with compensatory damages and other costs.

Anyone in California who suffers an injury as a result of a business property owner's carelessness has the right to seek compensation for his or her injury. A case that is successfully litigated might lead to a monetary award that may help to cover hospital bills and other expenses stemming from the dangerous property conditions. However, an understanding of what facts need to be proved will most likely be necessary to succeed in this type of case.

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