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Serious accident claims 1 life in California

A man's life was recently cut short as a result of a car crash in California. In addition, one or more other individuals suffered injuries in the serious accident, which involved three cars. The accident occurred in a southbound lane of Interstate 5.

According to police, the accident took place at a little before 3:50 p.m. The accident reportedly occurred when a 58-year-old woman came to a sudden halt while traveling along the highway. A man, 36, then stopped suddenly behind her. After these two cars stopped, another man, 58, stopped right away behind the second car.

However, a fourth motorist, 30, could not or did not slow, turn or stop in time. As a result, his motor vehicle caused all of the cars to collide. The driver of the third automobile ended up dying in the crash, and one or more other parties were hurt. The woman who reportedly caused the accident fled the accident scene but was later apprehended by police at an airport. Police determined that she had been driving while impaired.

The surviving loved ones of the man who died in the multi-vehicle collision may decide to file a wrongful death claim against the woman who reportedly caused the crash, seeking damages. Likewise, anyone who was injured in the serious accident may choose to file a personal injury claim against her. Liability must be established in a California civil court, based upon a showing of negligence, before claims for damages will be adjudicated. A successfully fought claim might lead to monetary damages that may help with addressing hospital bills, funeral costs and other accident-related losses.

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