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Serious accident claims 1 life, causes 2 injuries

A 21-year-old woman's life was snuffed out in a recent California car crash, leaving her surviving family members to grieve and question how her life could have been taken so soon. Two other people suffered injuries in the crash. The serious accident took place along White Oak Avenue.

The crash took place at around 2:10 a.m. Police said the woman was riding in the car along with another male passenger and a male driver. All of a sudden, the car crashed into a pole. It then caught fire.

The woman ended up passing away at the crash scene. Meanwhile, the driver and the other passenger suffered injuries and were taken to a medical center for treatment. Authorities continued to investigate what caused the crash.

If police reveal that the crash resulted from the driver's carelessness -- for instance, driving while distracted -- the family members of the deceased woman may choose to file a wrongful death claim against the driver, seeking damages. The injured passenger may also file a personal injury claim in this case. A preponderance of the evidence is needed to establish liability before the civil court hearing these types of cases. Once this happens, a judge will adjudicate claims for financial damages.

A successfully fought lawsuit may result in a monetary award that might help to address hospital bills, funeral costs and other losses tied to the serious accident in California. No amount of money can undo the events leading to the woman's death or to the male passenger's injuries. However, it can help the affected parties to more easily move forward from the potentially life-altering accident.

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