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Car accidents on California highways may result in major injuries

Two people have suffered injuries in a motor vehicle collision in California. The accident occurred on a recent Saturday morning. At times, these types of car accidents are the result of a motorist's carelessness, in which case, the motorist may be held liable for any deaths or injuries resulting from the wreck.

The accident took place at 9:30 a.m. in the northbound lanes of Highway 101. Police said three cars ended up colliding with one another. Two people were injured in the motor vehicle crash.

One of the injured parties is a woman who is in her 40s. She was transported to a medical facility with serious injuries. Meanwhile, the other person who was injured suffered minor injuries but was also taken to a medical center. He is in his 50s. The person driving the third car involved in the crash did not suffer injuries in the wreck.

If the police's investigation into the crash reveals that the woman caused the accident, the man may decide to file a personal injury claim against her if his injuries end up becoming serious. Likewise, if the man is found to be at fault in the crash, the woman may file a claim against him, seeking damages. Liability needs to be established, based upon a showing of negligence, before claims for damages will be adjudicated. If the plaintiff is successful in his or her claim, he or she might receive a monetary award that may help with addressing hospital expenses and other costs associated with these kinds of California car accidents.

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