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July 2019 Archives

5 reasons teenage drivers face a greater risk of car accidents

With summer vacation in full swing, you are probably seeing an influx of teenage drivers on California roads. For most teenagers, learning how to drive and sixteenth birthdays represent freedom and liberation from their parents or guardians. However, driving is a huge responsibility that needs to be taken seriously.

Car accident involving tractor-trailers causes injuries

A crash involving multiple vehicles, including tractor-trailers, recently led to multiple injuries in California. The car accident took place along Interstate 5. Sometimes these kinds of accidents occur due to a driver's negligence, in which case the at-fault driver may be held liable for any monetary damages resulting from the collision.

Car accident claims teen's life, leads to another teen's arrest

A teenage girl's life was recently snuffed out in a motor vehicle collision in California. Meanwhile, another teenager was arrested in connection with the car accident. Now, the deceased girl's family is left to grieve over her loss and to question how such a tragedy could have taken place.

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