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Woman wins $600K in premises liability case

A woman in another state was recently awarded $600,000 after incurring injuries at a mini-mart a couple years ago due to the business' negligence. The jury award came following a trial that lasted two days. In the same way, anyone in California who is injured as a result of a company's carelessness has the right to seek damages by filing a premises liability claim.

In the out-of-state case, the woman slipped on ice outside of the mini-mart one day. She said the incident occurred after she purchased lottery tickets at the store in February. The business, however, claimed that no precipitation was covering the ground at the time of the incident. The business also asserted that its employees did not know that ice was covering the sidewalk.

The woman claimed that the incident caused her to suffer spinal cord injuries. As a result, she had to undergo fusion surgery, and she will reportedly have to deal with pain associated with her injuries long-term. Following the trial, the jury ended up issuing a verdict of $950,000. However, a prior agreement capped the award for the plaintiff at $600,000.

Sometimes, companies fail to properly maintain their properties, which may cause patrons to suffer life-altering injuries. However, individuals who end up injured in these situations may seek justice through the civil court system. A successfully fought premises liability claim might lead to a damage award that may help with covering medical expenses, the loss of wages and other losses tied to these types of incidents in California.

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