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Key facts about late-appearing car accident injuries

Car accidents are often stressful and traumatic events. From fender-benders to multi-car collisions, there is a significant physical impact for those involved. Sometimes, people who get in a car accident do not notice symptoms of injuries right away. Late-appearing injury symptoms happen for various reasons discussed below. It is important for accident victims to monitor potential injuries and seek medical care to protect their legal rights and health.

Adrenaline and endorphins

The human body generates chemicals to increase energy and reduce pain. Just like athletes might not notice the full effects of an injury until after a game, car accident victims often experience a heightened state of shock and excitement. This is why some people involved in car accidents might assume they have no injuries, especially after a fender-bender. But once these chemicals start to subside, the pain from injuries can start to flare.


Sometimes car collisions cause concussions due to violent jolts and high impact. While symptoms sometimes appear immediately and some are more obvious than others, they can be delayed and subtle. Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Clouded thoughts
  • Headache
  • Inability to remember new information
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Abnormal sleeping patterns
  • Lack of energy

Anyone who exhibits any combination of these symptoms after a car accident should seek medical attention.

Soft-tissue injuries

Even when bones do not get broken, many accidents cause damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons. Even low-speed and seemingly minor collisions can cause significant soft-tissue injuries. One of the most common injuries in this category is known as whiplash, which is characterized by pain, stiffness and discomfort in your neck. Injuries like this can take days or week to truly manifest.

Medical attention and insurance settlements

Seeing a doctor after as car accident is a good idea, even if pain or discomfort is not immediately noticeable. Doctors are able to make the best diagnoses and give tips for monitoring symptoms of late-appearing injuries. Seeking immediate medical attention is good documentation for getting proper compensation from insurance. That being said, insurance companies often try to offer low settlements right off the bat. Anyone in a car accident should wait until he or she has been medically evaluated before signing anything prematurely. If a release is signed and an injury manifests itself after, it will be virtually impossible to get compensation for medical treatment from the insurance company.

Anyone who needs assistance navigating the claims process after a car accident should consult a personal injury attorney.

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