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2 men lose lives in California car accident

Two men's lives have sadly been cut short as a result of a tragic motor vehicle accident in California. The car accident took place during the early morning hours on a Tuesday. Now, the two victims' surviving family members are left to grieve and question how the accident could have happened.

The fatal accident took place at a little past 1:30 a.m. on a freeway. Police said that the car involved in the collision might have been going too quickly at the time of the accident. The driver reportedly left the freeway and struck multiple trees. Police said the car then cleared a big ravine before landing on the opposite side.

Both the passenger the driver were pronounced deceased at the crash scene. The two parties who died were ages 29 and 30. Police said they did not immediately know which of the two men were driving. They also did not believe that alcohol or drugs were causal factors in the fatal wreck.

If the driver is found to have been speeding when the accident happened, the surviving loved ones of the passenger who died in the crash may opt to file a wrongful death claim, seeking damages. Even though the driver ended up dying in the collision, his estate may still be sued. Anyone else with an ownership interest in the car may also be sued. A successfully litigated claim may result in a monetary damage award that might help the passenger's loved ones to cover his burial costs, the loss of income for his dependents and other losses tied to the California car accident.

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