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Car accident involving tractor-trailers causes injuries

A crash involving multiple vehicles, including tractor-trailers, recently led to multiple injuries in California. The car accident took place along Interstate 5. Sometimes these kinds of accidents occur due to a driver's negligence, in which case the at-fault driver may be held liable for any monetary damages resulting from the collision.

The accident happened at around 7 a.m. Reportedly, it involved six cars. A minimum of two people involved in the wreck had to receive medication attention. However, these parties were still conscious when first responders arrived.  

Authorities reported that one car ended up being totaled in the crash. In addition, two tractor-trailers were involved in this collision. Crews had to clean up around 30 gallons of fuel on the highway following the wreck.

A police investigation may reveal more details about who caused the crash and why. The party deemed responsible for the wreck may face personal injury lawsuits filed by the individuals injured in the crash. In addition, if the reportedly at-fault driver happened to be one of the truckers, his or her employer may also be sued for the reimbursement of financial damages stemming from the collision.

Before a civil court judge will decide claims for damages, liability has to be established before the court, based upon a showing of negligence. In a case that is navigated successfully, the injury victims may receive monetary damage awards to help them cover their hospital bills and other documented financial losses. Damages may also help with addressing any emotional distress caused by the California car accident.

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