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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Virtual medical visits serve a purpose, but remain wary

With advances in technology comes increased options for medical care. One new option involves visiting your doctor virtually. While this method might be appropriate for some care, patients should be wary of always seeking virtual medical care. Why? Because a doctor might miss things if the visit is virtual.

Let's think about a visit to the doctor's office. During a typical sick call visit, the doctor might feel your glands. This can help the doctor to make a diagnosis. But, in a virtual visit, the doctor couldn't do this.

We know that having to sit for hours at a doctor's office isn't fun for anyone. Even though that is true, you shouldn't always rely on the easy and convenient way to visit your doctor since there is a chance that something will be missed.

If a doctor doesn't make a proper diagnosis, you are the person who is going to suffer. You might end up needing more expensive, intensive and extensive medical care if your condition goes unchecked because of an incorrect diagnosis. This could even mean that a condition that was treatable in the early stages isn't treatable by the time it is found.

We know that you have a lot to think about, but we are here to help you evaluate the options that you have. We want you to make choices that are based on facts, not just assumptions. We can help you get the answers to your questions that can help you make the decisions that you feel are best for you and your case.

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