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An app might have prevented the accident you experienced

Let us imagine that you are the victim of a car crash caused by a teenage driver who was texting at the time of the accident. Fortunately, your injuries are not life-threatening, but your arm would probably not be in a cast now if the other driver had resisted using her cellphone.

Now there is an innovative collection of apps available that wise parents are using to prevent cellphone-related distractions when their teens are behind the wheel.


Parents use this app to control the way their teen uses a cellphone while driving. It will also notify a parent when the driver exceeds the speed limit or travels outside a predetermined perimeter.

This unique app reads incoming emails or text messages aloud so that the driver can receive information without having to even look at the cellphone.


This free app notifies parents whenever their teenage driver tweets, sends a text message or answers a call. It will also inform parents when the young driver exceeds a set speed or travels outside a set perimeter.


Here is an app that will block all incoming text messages and calls when the vehicle the teen is driving exceeds a certain set speed.


With this app, parents can predefine certain features on a cellphone to keep them from working when the car is moving above a certain speed. When the car goes below the predetermined speed, the features will begin to function again.

Making driving safer

A cellphone represents a dangerous distraction that all too often results in a car crash accompanied by consequences like your broken arm and other injuries that are far worse. Still, you will never know how many accidents did not come your way because the parents of a young motorist had programmed one of these apps to reduce cellphone use while their son or daughter was driving.

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