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Truck accidents can cause serious injury

California's roadways are filled with cars and trucks each vying for space and the opportunity to move through the traffic. In the midst of the often heavy traffic, drivers are attempting to go to work, to school and to run everyday errands. Additionally, truck drivers are navigating the roads while making deliveries. For the most part, traffic flows as well as can be expected; however, when something goes wrong and a truck is involved in an accident, serious injury can occur.

Recently, the driver of a delivery truck apparently lost control of his vehicle. This resulted in his truck colliding with a car filled with a family of five. Fortunately, these individuals did not suffer injury; however, the truck also hit two pedestrians. Reports indicate that the impact was great enough to shove one of the men approximately 10 to 15 feet. One of the men hit suffered critical injury and internal bleeding while the other suffered a broken rib as well as a punctured lung.

Security video of the area suggests that the truck driver failed to stop for a red light. In addition, it is possible that he was speeding. Police have detained the driver and are continuing their investigation.

Due to their size and weight, accidents involving trucks of this type often cause serious injury. In a situation such as this one, it is possible that the victims and/or their families may decide to pursue a claim in California's civil justice system to assist with the financial losses and medical expenses caused by such an accident. Experienced legal counsel can review the situation and recommend the appropriate course of action.

Source:, "Truck driver loses control in San Francisco's Richmond District injuring pedestrians", Lilian Kim, Jan. 1, 2018

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