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Premises liability suit filed against Rose Bowl Stadium

A woman recently claimed that she suffered injuries at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California due to the venue's carelessness. Specifically, she reportedly fell in the stadium's parking lot following a concert featuring the music artists Jay-Z and Beyonce. As a result, the woman has decided to file a premises liability lawsuit against the venue.

According to the lawsuit, the woman attended the artists' concert back in September 2018. She then reportedly walked through the venue's parking lot following the show to retrieve her bag from the bag-checking area. However, she allegedly ended up tripping and falling over a car stop due to the insufficient lighting in the area.

The woman asserted that the trip-and-fall accident stemming from the inadequate, poor lighting caused her to injure her right elbow and hand. She reportedly had to undergo surgery due to these injuries. In light of the surgical and medical expenses accrued due to the accident, she is suing the venue and the city for an unspecified amount in damages.

If businesses in California are careless in keeping up their properties, this can unfortunately cause their patrons to suffer serious injuries. Fortunately, if this happens, the injured victims have the right to file premises liability claims against the businesses, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages. A successfully fought suit may lead to a monetary damage award that might help with covering medical bills and other related losses. A damage award cannot undo the events leading to an injury-causing accident on a dangerous property, but it may help the victim to more easily move forward from the incident.

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