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Don't let a car accident leave you saying, 'boo' this Halloween

If you and/or your kids haven't decided on a Halloween costume yet, let us give you a suggestion: make safety a costume priority this Halloween. 

With the looming spooky festivities ahead, it is easy to get wrapped up in the fun, sugar and excitement of it all. This is true for trick-or-treaters, their parents, as well as the drivers around San Fernando Valley. Chaos can set in on Halloween and result in preventable traffic accidents.

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, planning, proper attire and due attention can all help prevent car accidents and injuries to pedestrians. 


  • Don't drink and drive. Have a designated driver or use a transportation service if you are not fit to operate a vehicle.
  • If going out trick-or-treating, try to require that an adult chaperone the kids. Also, plan a route where there are lit roadways and generally less traffic.
  • Drivers can try to protect pedestrians by taking routes where there are not trick-or-treaters. Avoid driving through neighborhoods if possible. 

Costumes and Equipment:

  • It is harder to see someone in a dark costume in the evening or at night. Therefore, encourage your child to wear a costume with bright colors if possible. 
  • Applying reflective tape to any costume increases pedestrians' visibility to drivers. Adults should wear this, too.
  • Flashlights are also beneficial to carry as they can make a pedestrian more visible, as well as allow a pedestrian to better see his or her surrounding when it gets dark.
  • Make sure that your child (or you) are wearing a costume that allows good visibility and safe walking. A mask, for example, might reduce one's ability to see their surroundings. That can be a problem when a car is coming and someone is trying to cross the street. Also, try to make sure that a costume doesn't cause you or your child to trip and fall. A walking pedestrian is hard to see; someone who has fallen flat on the road is even harder to see. 

Yes, trick-or-treaters and their parents can take steps to prevent pedestrian accidents from occurring. However, motor vehicles pose a great threat to unsuspecting people more than the people pose to drivers. If you or your child is injured this Halloween because a driver was drunk, drugged, distracted or in some other way dangerous, do not hesitate to talk to a personal injury lawyer about your case.




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