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Pay attention for wet floor signs when you go to businesses

One thing that is often a part of a slip-and-fall accident case is whether there was adequate warning for the victim to know that the floor was wet. Companies often use wet floor signs to give this warning.

There are many reasons why a wet floor sign might not be up near a spill. One is that the spill is still fresh, but this isn't something that is a factor if the wet spot is because of rain or an obvious hazard.

It is imperative that these companies have enough wet floor signs to cover any spills that might occur. You might have seen spill stations at various locations in stores. Many of these have foldable wet floor cones that anyone can place near the incident.

There isn't any excuse for a business to not have enough wet floor signs. Some businesses might try to skimp on them because they don't want to spend the money on them. These business owners mistakenly think that nothing will happen.

Another issue that some businesses have is that they leave the wet floor signs up so that people don't take them seriously. The wet floor signs should be picked up once the floor is dry. Failing to do so might lead to customers ignoring the signs.

For the victims who are injured in a wet floor accident, the cost is considerable. If there wasn't a wet floor sign up, this might be construed as a sign of negligence that can strengthen the case for your compensation. Gathering all of the information you can might help you to figure out the direction of your case.

Source: Profit from Safety, "How to properly use Wet Floor signs – and keep customers safe," accessed April 27, 2017

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