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A few summer travel tips for your family

The summer months are ones when families tend to travel. You have to take steps to ensure that you and your family members remain safe while you are on the road. Obviously, one of the biggest safety tips for you to remember is that everyone in your vehicle should be buckled up before your vehicle moves. This can help to save lives if you are involved in an accident.

Besides buckling up, you also have to make sure that you are giving your full attention to driving. You need to watch for what other drivers are doing and try to make sure that you have ample time to react to hazards in the road.

If you have children in the vehicle, this can be rather difficult. In order to give you as much focus on the road as possible, let the children read books, play with quiet toys or even color. The goal is to make sure that they don't distract you.

While you are watching what other vehicles are doing, make sure that you make note of drivers who seem intoxicated or distracted. If you think the problem is serious, have a passenger in your vehicle call 911 to alert police to the issue. Don't try to follow the vehicle. Instead, try to stay as far away as you can.

Ultimately, even if you follow all the safety tips in the world, you might not be able to prevent an accident. If you are involved in an accident, make sure that you get the medical care you need. Once you have obtained that care, you can decide if you are going to seek compensation.

Source: California Office of Traffic Safety, "Common Sense Safety Tips For Summer Travel," accessed July 11, 2017

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