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Conditions surrounding a slip-and-fall matter

When you are the victim of a slip-and-fall accident, you might decide that you are going to seek compensation. As you are building your case, you have to include certain points. One of these points is who is liable for the damages of your accident.

Proving fault in a slip-and-fall claim isn't always easy. There are several things that come into asserting this point. One of these is that you need to show that the person who is liable could have prevented the accident from occurring.

In order to show that the person could have prevented the accident, you have to show that he or she knew about the issue that caused the slip-and-fall. This is sometimes easy; however, it might be challenging in some cases.

You also have to show that the property owner had a duty to keep the property safe for you. In the case of a slip-and-fall accident at a business, this is often done by showing that the business was open, so you had a reasonable expectation to remain safe while at the business.

Another thing that has to be included in your claim is the element of reasonableness. You need to show that the property owner didn't act in a reasonable manner in the given circumstances. For example, not cleaning up a spill or at least putting up warnings about it for hours after it occurs wouldn't be considered reasonable.

Some slip-and-fall accidents can lead to serious injuries that have considerable effects on a person's life. In these cases, you should make sure that you take the steps necessary to try to recover some of the accident-related damages.

Source: FindLaw, "Proving Fault in Slip and Fall Accidents," accessed July 06, 2017

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