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Animal attacks can cause serious injury

No one thinks that it will happen to them. One minute the California resident is walking along and the next, he or she is suddenly attacked. Unfortunately, animal attacks occur all too often, and many times the victim has little available to use as a defense against the attack.

Recently, a pit bull apparently broke free from its leash as it was out for a walk. Once free, the dog ran onto another person's property as the property owner was walking to his car. The dog charged at the man and bit him on the leg, leaving a bite wound once the man was finally able to fend off the dog.

Apparently the dog then ran to nearby park where it attacked two more individuals. One of these individuals was sitting on a park bench when the attack occurred. The police were notified and dispatched to the park. Officers state that the dog was aggressive toward them, requiring the officers to defend themselves.

The dog's owner claimed that the dog had not previously shown an aggressive nature. Additionally, the owner stated the dog was current on its rabies vaccination; however, no proof of this has been produced. Regardless, three innocent victims have suffered due to this dog's attack.

When animal attacks occur, the owner will typically be issued a citation from animal control. In addition, depending upon the severity of injuries and other related details, it is possible that one or more of the victims will decide to file a claim against the animal's owner in a California civil court. Experienced legal counsel can review the details of the case and make recommendations regarding appropriate actions.

Source: CBS Sacramento, "Elk Grove Police Kill Pit Bull That Bit Three People", Nov. 15, 2017

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