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Car accidents occur when drivers do not adhere to traffic laws

Crossing the street should be a simple process. Stop at the crosswalk, look both ways and then proceed. As long as everyone else is doing what they should be doing, the California resident should be able to safely cross. However, when drivers fail to follow traffic laws, car accidents occur.

Recently, a 17-year-old young lady went for tacos with her boyfriend. This venture required the couple to walk across one or more streets. However, they apparently did as they were supposed to and attempted to cross at a crosswalk. Unfortunately, while in the crosswalk, they were struck by a car.

A witness to the accident indicates that the driver failed to stop for a red light. As a result, he slammed into the couple. As a result, the girl was killed. The young man suffered a broken leg and required surgery. The driver has been charged with vehicular manslaughter.

Traffic laws require that a driver stop for a red light. This protects the driver, other drivers on the road and pedestrians. When one fails to adhere to this law, as well as others, the results can be deadly.

In a situation such as this one, the victims' families may decide to pursue legal action against the driver in a California civil court. Such action can provide the funds needed to pay funeral expenses, medical bills and other financial needs created by car accidents of this nature. In addition to assisting with financial needs, litigation of this type can help bring some sense of closure for the grieving family.

Source: CBS Los Angeles, "Family, Friends Mourn 17-Year-Old Girl Killed In Baldwin Park Crash", Dec. 19, 2017

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