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Car accidents and driver negligence

An accident has occurred, and someone has been injured. Unfortunately, car accidents happen on a regular basis throughout California. Now, the injured party is likely to suffer financially in addition to physically.  When this happens, it may be necessary to discuss the matter with experienced legal counsel to determine if there are grounds to pursue civil action based on evidence of negligence by another party to the accident.

Some accidents are simply accidents. However, in many cases, negligence is involved. Negligence can occur when the driver does not obey traffic laws. For example, if a driver is speeding, does not stop when a signal is given or drives in the wrong lane of traffic, he or she may be found to have been negligent in the operation of the vehicle.

Another form of negligent driving is reckless driving. Reckless driving can occur when the driver is driving at an excessive speed, changing lanes repeatedly or passing in an inappropriate manner. Any of these activities can cause an accident to happen.

Drunk driving is yet another form of negligent driving. California has laws regulating how much alcohol an individual can consume and still be legally able to drive. If the driver is over the legal blood alcohol level, this is another factor than can point to driver negligence.

When car accidents occur and injuries result, medical attention may be necessary. The next step is often to determine how the financial aspects of a particular accident will be handled. This is often where experienced legal counsel can be of great benefit.

Source:, "Car Accident Basics", Jan. 21, 2018

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