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Slip-and-fall accidents: Tennis star Eugenie Bouchard settles

One apparently small accident can have lasting results. California residents often take care to watch where they walk, pay attention to traffic around them and remain vigilant for apparent obstacles that may cause them harm. Unfortunately, not all accidents, and slip\-and\-fall accidents in particular, can be avoided.

In 2015, Eugenie Bouchard was participating in the United States Tennis Association's U.S. Open. After participating in a late night match, she entered an unlit training room. Unknown to her at the time, the floor had recently been cleaned and was still wet. She slipped and landed on her back with her head crashing into the floor. The end result was a devastating concussion.

Three years ago, prior to the accident, Bouchard was seeded 25th in the U.S. Open.  Since the accident, her seeding has dropped to 116th. Bouchard filed suit against the USTA, claiming that this accident left a definite impact on her life and career. Based upon evidence presented, a jury found that the USTA was 75 percent responsible for the accident. The jury also determined that she maintained some responsibility for walking into a room where she could not observe the conditions around her.

Slip-and-fall accidents typically happen without warning. Liquid is left on a floor, a walking surface is uneven or any number of other factors can result in such an accident. When this happens, it is possible that the property owner, event coordinator or other such individual or company may be held liable. An experienced attorney can review the situation and guide one through the California legal process.

Source: New York Daily News, "Tennis star Bouchard settles slip-and-fall suit for unknown sum", Andrew Keshner, Feb. 23, 2018

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