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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Certain steps are important to take following serious accident

Following a car collision in California, the crash scene can understandably be highly chaotic. If you suffer injuries in a serious accident resulting from the alleged negligence of another driver, seeking medical treatment right away is paramount. However, if you can stay at the accident site, taking a few steps may help you to protect your best interests in the event you decide to seek compensation for your injuries in the future.

First, contacting police and having them come to the accident scene is critical. Police officers can produce a police report on the collision for you. If you hear other parties at the scene make statements regarding the possible causes of the accident, it is important to ensure that this information is included in the police report. However, you may be wise to avoid accepting responsibility or admitting fault on your end.

Second, even if you seem to have only minor injuries, getting checked out by a doctor right away is crucial. After all, a back injury that appears to be inconsequential on the outset may progress into a major problem that prevents you from being able to sit down or walk two weeks later. In the end, you may need costly surgery to fix the issue.

Following the serious accident in California, you may decide to file a personal injury claim against the driver who you believe caused your injury accident. Liability must be established before the civil court hearing your case, based upon a showing of negligence. A police report may be extremely handy in helping you to establish liability on the other driver's part. A successfully fought claim may lead to a monetary damage award that might help you to cover your medical bills as well as the loss of wages and other accident-related losses.

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