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Water on floor may lead to slip-and-fall accidents at McDonald's

A young girl in another state reportedly suffered injuries after slipping and falling while at a McDonald's restaurant. Her mother decided to file a lawsuit against the eatery, claiming that her child's injuries were the result of the property owner's carelessness. Apparently, the lawsuit was recently settled before trial. Individuals in California and elsewhere who suffer injuries in slip-and-fall accidents due to a property owner's negligence have the right to seek justice.

In the recent out-of-state case, the woman asserted that she and her daughter were at the McDonald's restaurant one day in 2014 when her daughter was injured. The slip-and-fall accident reportedly happened because some water was on the floor at the time. The woman claimed that no signs warning customers that the floor was wet had been set up in the area where her daughter fell, even though the restaurant's staff knew about the hazardous condition of the floor.

According to court records, the restaurant replied to the suit back in April 2016. McDonald's asserted that the child and her mother had not exercised ordinary care. The woman, who sought up to $1 million in damages, claimed that her child suffered massive pain in the right knee, right elbow and right arm and that her entire body was sore. It is not immediately known how much the lawsuit was recently settled for.

Business property owners have a duty to make sure that their properties are safe for the public to use. If they do not and injury-causing slip-and-fall accidents happen, they may be financially responsible for the resulting injuries. An understanding of what facts must be proved is likely necessary to prevail in a slip-and-fall case in California.

Source:, "Slip & fall against Beaumont McDonald's settles before trial, plaintiffs sought $1M in damages", David Yates, April 2, 2018

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