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Slip-and-fall accidents may occur at health clubs

A man in another state recently claimed that he slipped and fell at a health club due to the club's poor maintenance efforts. He has thus decided to file a premises liability lawsuit against the club, seeking damages. Any individuals in California who have suffered injuries in slip\-and\-fall accidents have the right to seek justice through the civil court system.

In the out-of-state case, the man who filed the lawsuit claimed that he was at the health club on the day after Christmas last year. According to the suit, he suddenly came into contact with ice or snow that had accumulated unnaturally. As a result, he reportedly slipped and injured himself.

The plaintiff asserted that the treatment of his injuries caused him to incur medical expenses. He further claimed that his injuries could have been prevented had the health club removed the accumulated ice or snow, or warned invitees about the property's unsafe condition. As part of his suit, he is seeking a jury trial as well as damages of at least $50,000.

Companies in California are expected to keep their properties safe for visitors. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Those who suffer injuries in slip-and-fall accidents due to the negligence of business property owners are entitled to file liability claims against these business owners. A successfully fought claim might lead to a financial reward that may help with addressing medical bills and other related losses. An understanding of what facts need to be proved is likely necessary to succeed in this type of civil case in the Golden State.

Source:, "Man sues Edwardsville health club over slip, fall", Lhalie Castillo, April 27, 2018

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