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Serious accident claims two men's lives

A collision sadly took two men's lives in California recently. The serious accident occurred on a Friday afternoon. The men who lost their lives were both 34 years old.

The incident took place at a little past 3:30 p.m. According to authorities, the two men were driving home from their worksite -- a farm. However, for some reason, their sport utility vehicle reportedly failed to stop at a stop sign.

After allegedly blowing through the stop sign, the vehicle crashed into another car. At that point, the sport utility vehicle turned over, unfortunately killing the men. Meanwhile, the woman who was riding in the car was rushed to a medical center with minor injuries.

The grieving loved ones of the deceased passenger in the sport utility vehicle may choose to file a wrongful death claim, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages. Even though the driver of this automobile ended up dying in the collision, the deceased driver's estate may still be sued. Likewise, anyone with an ownership interest in the sport utility vehicle might be sued.

Liability must be established before the California civil court hearing the case, before the court will decide claims for damages. A successfully fought suit may lead to a monetary award that might help with addressing funeral expenses, the loss of income for surviving dependents and other losses related to the fatal crash. It cannot undo the events leading to the serious accident, but it may help the surviving loved ones of the deceased passenger to more easily move forward from the ordeal.

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