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Serious accident takes 3 lives, leads to 2 injuries

Three women recently lost their lives in a tragic car crash in California. Meanwhile, two other individuals suffered injuries in the collision. The serious accident, which occurred at a street intersection, involved two vehicles.

The car accident occurred late in the day on Friday. One car reportedly crashed into a second car due to the reckless driving of the first car's motorist. Authorities said they also suspected that alcohol and/or drugs were causal factors in the collision. The driver of the first car was transported to a medical center for the treatment of his injuries following the accident.

Police said the three women who lost their lives in the accident were from out of state and were all riding in the second car. They passed away at the crash scene. Meanwhile, their cousin was driving the second car and was taken to the hospital with injuries.

The surviving loved ones of the three women who died in the accident may choose to file wrongful death claims against the first car's driver if he is determined to have been driving recklessly and under the influence at the time of the accident. Likewise, their injured driver may choose to file a personal injury claim, also seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. Competent proof of negligence is necessary to establish liability before the civil court hearing the case in California.

A case that is litigated successfully may result in financial damages that might help the plaintiffs to cover burial costs and medical expenses. A monetary award may also help with addressing the loss of wages and other losses connected to such a serious accident. Damages might additionally help with addressing pain and suffering resulting from the crash.

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