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Premises liability suit filed against apartment landlord

A girl in another state lost her life a couple of years ago after being shot in front of her apartment. Now, the deceased child's parent claims that the shooting happened due to the apartment landlord's negligence -- a situation that can easily impact landlords and tenants in California as well. The parent in the out-of-state case has thus decided to file a premises liability lawsuit against the landlord.

According to the recently filed lawsuit, the landlord did not exercise a reasonable degree of care when it came to its tenants' safety. The plaintiff is seeking an unspecified amount in damages as part of the suit. In addition, the plaintiff would like a trial by jury to take place.

Legislation governing negligent security applies to all commercial property owners. These include the owners of apartment complexes and condominium developments, for example. They also include those who own businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, stores and bars.

The owner of a commercial property, such as an apartment complex, in California may need to install security cameras, fences or locks, or even hire a security guard to patrol the area, depending on the amount of crime that occurs in the complex's neighborhood. If the property owner fails to do this, tenants/patrons who lose their loved ones as a result have the right to seek to hold the property owner accountable through the civil court system. A successfully fought premises liability lawsuit may lead to a monetary damage award that might help with covering funeral costs and other related losses.

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