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Slip-and-fall accidents may cause injuries in university setting

A man in another state recently blamed a university for causing his injuries. In fact, he has decided to file a premises liability lawsuit against the institution, claiming that it caused him to become injured in a slip-and-fall accident. Slip-and-fall accidents can easily occur in California and elsewhere if business property owners fail to maintain hazard-free properties, which is grounds for litigation.

In the recent out-of-state case, the man claimed that he was at the university's performance hall on Halloween back in 2016. While at the hall, he reportedly stepped on a substance in the hall's lobby. The man asserted that he ended up slipping on the substance and striking the floor as a result.

The parties he is suing, including a flooring company, were allegedly performing renovation work and extra maintenance when the incident took place. The man claimed that the substance that caused him to fall looked like a floor stripper that the defendants had applied themselves or had directed someone else to apply. However, the defendants allegedly placed no barricade in the area, and they also failed to set up warning signs in the vicinity. As part of his lawsuit, the plaintiff is seeking an unspecified amount of monetary damages along with a trial by jury.

Unfortunately, commercial property owners in California and other states sometimes fail to keep their properties in conditions that are safe for public use. However, those who are injured as a result certainly have the right to seek to hold them accountable through the civil court system. A successfully fought case may result in a monetary damage award that might help with addressing medical expenses and other losses stemming from slip-and-fall accidents.

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