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Car accidents involving bikes a significant problem in California

A recent incident involving a California firefighter underscores the dangers of distracted and reckless driving and the impact these behaviors have on cyclists. Car accidents involving bikes are often serious or fatal, and in this specific case, the man died from injuries suffered while he was training for the cycling portion of an Ironman race. He leaves behind a wife, young children and a lengthy career with his fire department.

In California, cyclists have the right to share the road with other vehicles. Drivers of larger and heavier vehicles have the responsibility of driving cautiously and carefully around bikes, but these types of accidents are unfortunately prevalent. Much of the reason behind the high number of vehicle-bike accidents is distraction and other forms of negligent driving.

In the Orange County area, there is an average of one cyclist killed per month. Other areas have similar statistics. California has laws against distracted driving, but fines and other penalties has done little to curtail this problem and make the roads safer. Ultimately, each driver has to make the choice to put his or her phone down and pay attention.

When a person is killed or injured as the result of a distracted driver, that person has grounds to pursue appropriate compensation through a personal injury claim. While this cannot reverse the damage of these car accidents, it can allow the claimant to get what he or she needs for recovery. Any grieving family who lost a loved one because of a distracted driver or a person harmed by this type of driving has the right to explore the most appropriate legal option to hold the liable party accountable.

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