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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Uninsured motorists present an increased risk

Most people who don't carry insurance do it for one reason: They don't want to pay for it. They may not be able to afford it at all, depending on their financial situation. There are cases where a driver may technically be uninsured when he or she simply forgot to make a payment or file the proper paperwork, but most cases where people drive around without any coverage stem from a lack of funds.

This is an increased risk for other drivers on the roads all over California. Not only do these drivers not have coverage, but those who are injured may not realistically be able to get much from a lawsuit. Even if you're awarded $500,000 in damages, if the person doesn't even have enough cash to make minimum insurance payments, you'll be lucky to ever see that money.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't look into your rights to compensation and your right to start a lawsuit when you are hurt. If anything, it actually underscores how important it is to really know about all of your legal options.

It's also worth noting that California requires people who do have policies to take out uninsured motorist coverage. This part of the policy means your own coverage can help compensate you if the other driver does not have any. While this may not help you in a civil lawsuit, it means you're not entirely out of luck.

Sorting out a crash can be complicated, especially when the other driver has few assets and no insurance. If you have questions about what to do after such a wreck, our informative website can help provide the answers.

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