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No insurance can be costly for all involved

The state of California has a variety of laws in place intended to protect its citizens. Among these laws are those mandating that every individual who owns and drives a motor vehicle carry insurance. The type of insurance that the individual needs is dependent upon the individual's circumstances and often regulated by both law and loan requirements. Unfortunately, the fact that insurance is required does not mean that there are instances in which an accident occurs and the driver at fault has no insurance.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance coverage is one option that is available to drivers. In addition to the individual's required coverage, this insurance offers coverage if the other driver is at fault and does not have insurance to cover the damage done. If the individual does not wish to receive this coverage, a waiver is necessary. Depending upon the type of coverage the individual has, this coverage may not be necessary.

In addition to damage to vehicles, an uninsured or underinsured driver may cause harm to the individual. Again, insurance coverage is available to meet these needs caused by a driver with no insurance. Insurance can be expensive, yet each driver wants to make sure that he or she has the appropriate coverage just in case it is needed. At the same time, the driver usually also wants to make sure that he or she does not have more coverage than what can be used.

When a California resident is involved in an accident with a driver who has no insurance, the result can be costly. In some instances, the victim has coverage to meet his or her needs. Depending upon the situation, it may be beneficial to pursue recovery through the court system, and experienced legal counsel can review the situation and offer input regarding this option.

Source:, "Automobile Insurance Information Guide", Accessed on Jan. 29, 2018

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